
Malte Baumann

Haftung von Domain-Registraren

Verantwortlichkeit eines neutralen Diensteanbieters für urheberrechtsverletzende Inhalte Dritter

[The Liability of Domain Registrars. The Responsibility of a Neutral Service Provider for Third Party Copyright Infringements.]

89,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-160668-7
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Published in German.
To what extent are internet service providers liable for their customers' copyright infringements? Malte Baumann uses domain registrars to examine their responsibilities as intermediaries, and also takes an in-depth look at the interplay between the German liability regime and European copyright law.
To what extent are internet service providers liable for their customers' copyright infringements? Malte Baumann uses domain registrars to examine their responsibilities as intermediaries, and also takes an in-depth look at the interplay between the German liability regime and European copyright law.

Malte Baumann Geboren 1992; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; 2018 erstes juristisches Staatsexamen; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich Technologie, Medien und Telekommunikation; 2020 Promotion (Halle-Wittenberg); seit 2020 Rechtsreferendariat am Kammergericht Berlin.


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