
Eirik G. Furubotn / Rudolf Richter

Neue Institutionenökonomik

Eine Einführung und kritische Würdigung
Übers. v. Monika Streissler

[New Institutional Economics. An Introduction and Critical Appreciation. 4th revised edition.]

4th, revised and extended edition; 2010. XXIII, 678 pages.

Neue ökonomische Grundrisse

49,00 €
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Published in German.
Apart from the customary update of the literature and the addition of »New Institutional Economics of Finance,« the fourth edition also provides an important clarification: The new institutional economics is fundamentally different from a microeconomics supplemented by transaction costs.

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Apart from the customary update of the literature and the addition of »New Institutional Economics of Finance,« the fourth edition also provides an important clarification: The new institutional economics is fundamentally different from a microeconomics supplemented by transaction costs. It is a new way of thinking, which includes not only the frequently quoted transaction costs but also the facts of incomplete foresight and bounded rationality.

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Eirik G. Furubotn Geboren 1923; 1982–96 James L. West Professor of Economics an der University of Texas at Arlington, Texas; seit 1996 Professor emeritus und Research Fellow, Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Rudolf Richter Geboren 1926; 1949 Diplom-Kaufmann; 1951 Promotion; 1953 Habilitation; 1964–94 Ordentlicher Professor (jetzt: »Universitätsprofessor«) für Nationalökonomie, insb. Wirtschaftstheorie an der Universität des Saarlandes; seit 1994 emeritiert.

Monika Streissler Dr. rer.pol., wissenschaftliche Übersetzerin u.a. von Hauptwerken von Becker, Galbraith, Hayek, Olson, North und Williamson.


The following reviews are known:

In: — (7/2017)
In: European Journal of Law and Economics — 31 (2011), S. 233 (Jürgen G. Backhaus)
In: Schweiz .Zeitschr. f. Forstwesen — 163 (2012), S. 38–39 (Oliver Thees)
In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft — 37 (2011), S. 347–349 (Michael Mesch)