
Marc-Philippe Weller

Referral, Recognition and Consideration: New Methodological Approaches in Private International Law Vom Staat zum Menschen: Die Methodentrias des Internationalen Privatrechts unserer Zeit

Jahrgang 81 () / Heft 4, S. 747-780 (34)

This article draws attention to new methodological challenges posed by an increasingly globalized world: In modern European societies, individual interests are becoming more and more important, demanding private international law to no longer only determine the legal order closest connected to the respective case, but to consider individual interests and substantive arguments as well. To cope with these current developments, private international law must find a balance between individuals' and states' interests, while ensuring international consistency at the same time. This article aims at showing that these challenges can, however, be met if the existing system of referral was complemented by methods of recognition and consideration of local and moral data.

Marc-Philippe Weller ist Direktor am Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Heidelberg.