
Ann-Katrin Kaufhold


Anforderungen an die Ausgestaltung einer Aufsicht zur Abwehr systemischer Risiken – entwickelt am Beispiel der Finanzaufsicht

[Systemic Supervision. Developing the Standards for a Supervisory Regime to Prevent Systemic Risk Using the Example of Financial Supervision.]

2016. XX, 433 pages.

Jus Publicum 259

109,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-154365-4
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Published in German.
Systemic risks threaten the stability of social and natural systems, which are of vital importance to our general well-being, as e.g. the financial system and the climate system. Traditional legal instruments are, however, ineffective in preventing such risk. This became obvious most recently during the financial crisis of 2008/9.
Ann-Katrin Kaufhold specifies the characteristics and establishes a legal definition of systemic risk, distinguishing it from the traditional categories of danger and risk,.She defines the standards, that a supervisory regime has to meet in order to be both effective and lawful. Systemic Supervision is thereby established as a new and unique form of supervision.
Systemic risks threaten the stability of social and natural systems, which are of vital importance to our general well-being, as e.g. the financial system and the climate system. Traditional legal instruments are, however, ineffective in preventing such risk. This became obvious most recently during the financial crisis of 2008/9.
Ann-Katrin Kaufhold specifies the characteristics and establishes a legal definition of systemic risk, distinguishing it from the traditional categories of danger and risk,.She defines the standards, that a supervisory regime has to meet in order to be both effective and lawful. Systemic Supervision is thereby established as a new and unique form of supervision.

Ann-Katrin Kaufhold Geboren 1976; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Passau, Toulouse I und Freiburg i.Br.; 2006 Promotion; 2015 Habilitation; Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


The following reviews are known:

In: Europäische Zeitschr.f.WirtschR — 2019, 826–827 (Tobias Bauerfeind)
In: Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts — 2018, 167–170 (Christoph Ohler)
In: Die Verwaltung — 2018, 301–303 (Hans Christian Röhl)