Legal Notice

Postal Address
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 2040
72010 Tübingen
Deliveries & Visitors
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 18
72074 Tübingen
Telephone  +49 7071 923-0
Telefax  +49 7071 51104
Telephone  +49 7071 923-17
Telefax  +49 7071 51104

Legal form: Limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner
Registration court: Stuttgart municipal court
Commercial register number: HRA 381497
Partner with unlimited liability: Siebeck Verwaltungs-GmbH
Authorized managing director:  Ove Kähler
Turnover tax identification number pursuant to paragraph 27a of the Turnover Tax Law: DE814496337

In spite of careful content monitoring, we cannot assume liability for the content of external links.External web pages remain the sole responsibility of the website operator, even when these are linked to our website.

The material on this website is protected by copyright. This legal protection applies to databases and similar data transmission equipment as well. We do however allow our trading partners and library customers to use the metadata of our titles (bibliographical information, descriptive texts and pictures of the cover). Pricing and ordering information and Terms of Delivery and Payment may be printed and forwarded at any time using the correct key. Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG is not liable for unsolicited manuscripts and photographs.

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Piwik does not use information gathered on our website without the user's express permission, either to personally identify visitors or compile personal data using the pseudonyms.