Jewish Studies

New Titles

Cover of 'Urbanism in the Iron Age Levant and Beyond'
Urbanism in the Iron Age Levant and Beyond
This volume represents studies on archaeological, textual, and theoretical aspects of urbanism in the ancient Levant during the Iron Age (ca. 1200-600 BCE). In addition, the contributions examine urban-related phenomena in other cultures, regions, and periods, providing a broad overview of evidence for ancient cities in antiquity from both archaeological and textual perspectives.
Cover of 'Parabiblica Aethiopica'
Parabiblica Aethiopica
This volume deals with Ethiopian apocryphal/parabiblical literature. It consists of three editions and two studies. The edited texts are the Ethiopian version of the Historia de Melchisedech (ed. Jan Dochhorn), the Ethiopian version of the Revelatio Stephani (ed. Damien Labadie), and an Apocryphon about the binding of Isaac (ed. Ted Erho). The studies are devoted to the Ethiopian version of the Apocalypse of Peter (Mathew Goff) and the Andǝmta Tradition to 1 Enoch (Ralph Lee).
Cover of 'Cohens Psychologie'
Cohens Psychologie
Hermann Cohen had planned a psychology to conclude his system of philosophy. Instead of completing this, in his later years he devoted himself to his philosophy of religion. Internationally recognized experts explore the interrelations between this completed and that unfinished project in the context of contemporary consciousness.
Cover of 'But the Wise Shall Understand'
Felipe A. Masotti
But the Wise Shall Understand
Using Mikhail Bakhtin's theory, Felipe A. Masotti examines how ancient prophecies are reused to shape ideas about divine intervention and the passing of time. Masotti's study reveals a blend of traditional and innovative elements in Daniel's eschatological narrative, reflecting a deep theological engagement with prophetic traditions.