
New Titles

Cover of 'Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung'
Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung
Volume 1 of the twelve volumes as planned once again will include §§ 1-77 in addition to the introduction. The new addition has also brought considerable personnel changes. The Commentary is completely up to date in regard to legislation, case law and theory.
Cover of 'Revision, Kassation, Final Appeal'
Julian Philipp Rapp
Revision, Kassation, Final Appeal
Courts of last resort decide individual disputes but are also engaged in developing the law by precedents. This twofold assignment shows a profound contradiction in any appellate proceeding: Civil justice primarily serves to achieve individual justice whereas the function of a supreme court is predominantly or almost exclusively oriented towards a »public« interest emancipated from individual legal disputes by clarifying legal questions, developing the law, and ensuring the uniform application of the law by lower courts.
This volume contains the written versions of the papers presented at the conference on »Electronic Shares,« which took place on May 15, 2023 at the permanent representation of Hesse in Berlin on the occasion of the legislative procedure for the Future Financing Act.
Cover of 'Anlegerschutz bei Green Bonds'
Azur Coulmas
Anlegerschutz bei Green Bonds
Are green bonds more than empty promises? Only if the investor is worthy of protection with regard to green earmarking finds Azur Coulmas, whose study examines this question and analyses how civil liability and self-regulation have a disciplinary effect on the issuer of a green bond.