
New Titles

Cover of 'Fiskalresilienz im Budgetparlamentarismus'
Kevin Hinzen
Fiskalresilienz im Budgetparlamentarismus
How do public finances react to unforeseen events? By identifying instruments of flexibilisation within the German and European Union budgetary systems from a legal perspective, this study highlights how budget flexibility is a decisive factor for the modern fiscal state's democratic legitimacy.
Cover of 'Geld oder Gerechtigkeit?'
Milena Maurer
Geld oder Gerechtigkeit?
Milena Maurer analyses the discourse on the reception of legal economics in German jurisprudence. She focuses on the economic analysis of law and new institutional economics as well as their implications for the application and interpretation of law.
Cover of 'Produktregulierung mithilfe technischer Standards'
Daniel Beider
Produktregulierung mithilfe technischer Standards
In order to enable up-to-date product regulation, legislators often make use of private technical expertise. Daniel Beider places the relevant activities of private standardisation organisations in the respective national, European and international legal context and shows the interactions between the individual levels and their potential.
Jürgen Basedow
Mehr Freiheit wagen
As a former member of the Deregulation Commission (1988-1991) and a present member of the German Monopolies Commission, Jürgen Basedow has published numerous small papers on economic deregulation, and they have been collected in this volume. They focus on the impact that European Community law has on the regulatory structures of markets such as transport, insurance, legal services etc., on the relationship between deregulation and harmonization and on the role of competition law in deregulated markets.