Catalogs & Directories

Information on Catalogs & Directories

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Mohr Kurier 2025 1 Titel

The Mohr Kurier appears three times a year (in February, June and October) and contains detailed information on all new publications and editions.

PDF download of the current Mohr Kurier

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Archiv 2024
1/2024 | 2/2024  | 3/2024

Archiv 2023
1/2023 | 2/2023 | 3/2023

Archiv 2022
1/2022 | 2/2022 3/2022

Archiv 2021
1/2021 | 2/2021 | 3/2021

Archiv 2020
1/2020 | 2/2020 | 3/2020

The newsletter appears regularly with information on the latest releases and editions in each chosen field of interest.

An up-to-date directory of each series can be found here to download as a PDF file.

A PDF flyer to print or send by e-mail can be downloaded on each book's own page.

If you would like to be informed about the publication and content of a new issue of a journal, you can sign up for an eTOC-Alert on that particular journal's page. You do not have to be registered with the eLibrary or have a user account to do this.

For information about Mohr Siebeck's journals and subscriptions to them, please click here

The current journals price list.