
New Titles

Cover of 'Divine and Human Love in Jewish and Christian Antiquity'
Divine and Human Love in Jewish and Christian Antiquity
How is love conceived and mapped onto the conceptual landscape of antiquity? In this volume, Crabbe and Lincicum assemble a set of essays that analyze the concept of love in ancient Judaism and Christianity from the minor prophets to Methodius of Olympus, with a central focus on the texts that came to make up the New Testament.
Cover of 'Die Strafe des Exils in der Spätantike'
Florian Schwarz
Die Strafe des Exils in der Spätantike
In late antiquity, exile in various forms was one of the punishments of both Roman law and internal church discipline. Using numerous ancient sources, Florian Schwarz presents the different types of exile and their effects as well as specific individual fates.
Cover of 'Schöpfungspoetik im Johannesevangelium'
Mirjam Jekel
Schöpfungspoetik im Johannesevangelium
In the Gospel of John, creation and life unfold through language. Mirjam Jekel explores these connections, employing a novel hermeneutical methodology. Through her analysis, she unveils a nuanced mosaic of life, addressing the intricacies and paradoxes inherent in Johannine language.