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Our journals are listed in the following interdisciplinary databases: EBSCO Discovery Service, Scopus, Summon Discovery Service, Thomson Web of Science, WorldCat Discovery.
Additionally, we cooperate with many other subject-specific databases, including ATLA Religion Database, BiBIL (Bibliographie Biblique Informatisée de Lausanne), BIBP (Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics), BILDI (Bibelwissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck), Index to Jewish Periodicals, Index Theologicus, New Testament Abstracts, Old Testament Abstracts, Philosopher's Index, as well as in EconLit, IBSS (International Bibliography of The Social Sciences), Kuselit Online and RePEc (Research Papers in Economics). Should our contents be missing from a database, please get in touch with
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Details about catalogs and directories can be found here.
New: packages 2025
Current package lists
eTextbooks-Institutional prices
ePaperbacks-Institutional prices
eHandbooks-Institutional prices
Package prices (overview 2024)
Further packages
Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies-Titles 2013-2015
Synopse zum Talmud Yerushalmi 2019
Social / Cultural Studies
Social / Cultural Studies-Titles 2018
Social / Cultural Studies-Titles 2015-2017
Series and Editions
Friedrich A. von Hayek - Gesammelte Schriften eBook
Johann J. Spalding - Kritische Ausgabe Gesamt eBook
All title lists are available in Office Open XML format (xlsx).