
New Titles

A New Organon
The volume reconstructs the forgotten history of the Warsaw based sociology of knowledge and science, which was developed in the working group Koło Naukoznawcze during the interwar period (1918-1939). For the first time pivotal articles are made available in English translation.
Mathias Schmoeckel
Das Recht der Reformation in Frankreich und die Vollendung des modernen Staates
Mathias Schmoeckel shows that the »golden age« of French jurisprudence was developed and was inspired by Farel and Calvin in the context of the »Reformation of life« in order to create equal rights for Catholics and Protestants. As a result, all branches of the law were called upon to develop something new. In this respect, the French Reformation has the same significance for European intellectual history and the development of the state as the German and English Reformation.