Religious Studies

New Titles

Cover of 'Antiochia I'
Antiochia I
Antioch on the Orontes is of great importance for the formation of Hellenistic Judaism in the Diaspora and the emergence of Christianity. This volume shows the factors that influenced the shape and development of both religious communities from different specialist perspectives and emphasizes the religious-historical significance of Antioch.
Cover of 'Recht, Ethos und Heiligkeit'
Matthias Hopf
Recht, Ethos und Heiligkeit
Is the Holiness Code law, or rather, how do its legal parts relate to the non-legal parts? Matthias Hope clarifies the Holiness Code's categorization as law in a multidimensional way, including insights from legal anthropology. He sheds light on the interaction of legal and ethical elements also employing results of »emotion studies.« Reflections on holiness reveal its key role as a mediating element between law and ethos. Thus, the intentional blending of law, ethos, and cult becomes recognizable.
Cover of 'Die Wundererzählungen im Markusevangelium'
Saskia Breuer
Die Wundererzählungen im Markusevangelium
Miracle stories present the idea of divine salvation in Jesus' work. They have an appealing function of »instructing« the recipients on how to participate in the Basileia of God that Jesus proclaimed. To this purpose, Saskia Breuer reveals a soteriological narrative principle of Markan miracle narratives.
Cover of 'Jérémie, un paradigme pour Paul?'
Pierre de Curraize
Jérémie, un paradigme pour Paul?
Pourquoi toutes ces traces de Jérémie dans Paul? Notre analyse méthodique d'extraits significatifs de 1 et 2 Corinthiens nous a permis de mieux saisir comment l'Apôtre se sert de cette influence et d'obtenir en outre une clarification de certains passages de ses lettres reconnus pour leur complexité.