Religious Studies

New Titles

Cover of 'Hermeneutics and Early Christian Gospels'
Todd Brewer
Hermeneutics and Early Christian Gospels
What happens to Jesus’ teachings when they are understood
either as isolated sayings or within the context of a narrative?
Todd Brewer examines this question by comparing parables
across the Gospels of Thomas, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
uncovering the inherent tendencies of narrative and
non-narrative interpretive approaches – tendencies that are
further illustrated through the contrasting hermeneutics of
Hans Frei and Rudolf Bultmann.
Cover of 'Cohens Psychologie'
Cohens Psychologie
Hermann Cohen had planned a psychology to conclude his system of philosophy. Instead of completing this, in his later years he devoted himself to his philosophy of religion. Internationally recognized experts explore the interrelations between this completed and that unfinished project in the context of contemporary consciousness.
Cover of 'Bildung im Gespräch'
Lina Hantel
Bildung im Gespräch
Peter Chrysologus penned his sermons in such a way that they could become an educational experience. By analysing the sermons of this particular bishop of Ravenna, Lina Hantel paints a picture of how the Gospel was communicated, shedding light on how Chrysologus edified his congregation and subsequently initiated a process of education that extended beyond the preached.
Cover of 'Theologie der synoptischen Evangelien'
Paul-Gerhard Klumbies
Theologie der synoptischen Evangelien
There are numerous individual studies on each of the Gospel writings. However, there is no overall view of the first three Gospels from a theological perspective. What the Synoptics have in common, and what makes them unique, is their Christology based on the person of Jesus.