Todd Brewer
Hermeneutics and Early Christian Gospels What happens to Jesus’ teachings when they are understood
either as isolated sayings or within the context of a narrative?
Todd Brewer examines this question by comparing parables
across the Gospels of Thomas, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
uncovering the inherent tendencies of narrative and
non-narrative interpretive approaches – tendencies that are
further illustrated through the contrasting hermeneutics of
Hans Frei and Rudolf Bultmann.
More... either as isolated sayings or within the context of a narrative?
Todd Brewer examines this question by comparing parables
across the Gospels of Thomas, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
uncovering the inherent tendencies of narrative and
non-narrative interpretive approaches – tendencies that are
further illustrated through the contrasting hermeneutics of
Hans Frei and Rudolf Bultmann.