Bernd Schröder
Abrahamische Ökumene? Modelle der theologischen Zuordnung von christlich-jüdischem und christlich-islamischem Dialog
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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- 10.1628/004435408786583474
This essay reconstructs six paradigms of associating Jewish-Christian dialogue with the encounter between Christians and Muslims: the so-called model of good neighbors, the model of Jewish-Christian relations, the Abraham model, the humanistic model, the monotheistic model and the framework of religious studies. These models are examined according to the following criteria: Do they foster the cooperation between Jews, Christians and Muslims? Do they emphasize theological arguments? Do they sufficiently discern the different grades of proximity and distance between them? The author advocates a model of Abrahamic hospitality, which means continuing the dialogues and inviting the »third« community to join each particular dialogue.