Claudia Janssen
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich Feministischer Bibelauslegung und Feministischer Hermeneutik. Forschungsüberblick mit dem Schwerpunkt: Paulusforschung
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- 10.1628/thr-2018-0017
The variety of publications in the field of feminist exegesis and hermeneutics is an expression of a development that can be stated internationally which understands gender issues as a cross-sectional dimension of theological research and a central component of exegetical work. At present, feminist exegesis is one theoretical approach to the multidisciplinary field of theological gender studies, which combines the scientific treatment of gender difference with feminist concerns. The intersectional perspective makes it possible to think together different research approaches: historical, literary, social, philosophical, political, postcolonial and queer theories.