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Cover von: An Annual Wealth Tax: Pros and Cons
Pierre Pestieau, Robin Boadway

An Annual Wealth Tax: Pros and Cons

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 77 (2021) / Heft 4, S. 408-429 (22)
Publiziert 20.12.2021
DOI 10.1628/fa-2021-0019
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/fa-2021-0019
Aufgrund einer Systemumstellung kann es vorübergehend u.a. zu Zugriffsproblemen kommen. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung für die Umstände.
We explore the case for a wealth tax as part of the tax mix. Annual wealth taxes are roughly equivalent to capital income taxes on the assets to which they apply. Wealth taxes differ in purpose from inheritance taxes which are useful adjuncts to income taxes. We recount the arguments for taxing capital income, and for taxing inheritances regardless of whether capital income is taxed. We argue that if the desire to tax asset income and wealth transfers is appropriately addressed by capital income and inheritance taxation, the additional need for an annual wealth tax is minimal.