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Cover von: Das dreifache Doppelwerk
Anthony Giambrone

Das dreifache Doppelwerk

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 15 (2024) / Heft 1, S. 76-98 (23)
Publiziert 04.04.2024
DOI 10.1628/ec-2024-0006
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/ec-2024-0006
Confronting theological reflection on Luke/Acts with the problem of the unity of the Doppelwerk is an effective means of revitalizing a sleepy field. This is a major contribution of Knut Backhaus's recent study. His work first of all centers the project upon aunified field of investigation and exposes the shortcomings of an aggregated »motif theology.« It also shifts the focus from one-dimensional narrative and dogmatic approaches toamore differentiated, diachronic and pragmatic framework. From this perspective, it becomes possible to examine the three »theological lives« of Luke and Acts as different moments of the Church's self-perception. The theology in the texts transitions here into a canonical theology of the texts. While this all clearly represents a significant step forward (and a return) toa more engaged way of theologizing, the question remains whether Lukan/ecclesial truth claims must not also ultimately be at the core of such a theological project.