Cover von: Das Wort Jahwes an Jeremia. Zur ältesten Redaktion der jeremianischen Sammlung Das Wort Jahwes an Jeremia. Zur ältesten Redaktion der jeremianischen Sammlung
Christoph Levin

Das Wort Jahwes an Jeremia. Zur ältesten Redaktion der jeremianischen Sammlung Das Wort Jahwes an Jeremia. Zur ältesten Redaktion der jeremianischen Sammlung

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 101 (2004) / Heft 3, S. 257-280 (24)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435404774519157
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/004435404774519157
The oldest instances of Word theology in the Old Testament can be found in an early revision of the book of Jeremiah, traces of which are evident in the call scene and the visions in Jer. 1, as well as in the symbolic actions in Jer. 13, 16, 18, 32 and 35. After the prophetic proclamation had been confirmed by the conquest of Jerusalem, it was conceptualized in this revision under the theological term »Word of Yahweh«, the so-called »formula for the reception of God's Word« being used for the first time. The Word of Yahweh revision stands at the beginning of the redactional development of the book of Jeremiah, in the course of which it grew from a collection of laments over the country's downfall into a prophetic book in the classic sense. This first revision profoundly shaped the view of Jeremiah as a prophet of judgment. The other prophetic books, the Old Testament's presentation of history, as well as creation theology and the theological interpretation of the Torah were all influenced by this Word theology.