Cover von: Die versorgungsrechtliche Stellung von Mitgliedern der Hochschulleitung
Andreas Reich

Die versorgungsrechtliche Stellung von Mitgliedern der Hochschulleitung

Rubrik: Abhandlungen
Jahrgang 46 (2013) / Heft 4, S. 330-347 (18)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/094802113X13933189562408
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/094802113X13933189562408
Today members of the university management partly come from outside the academic world. Even if they are or have been civil servants before, they have of course due to their professional position small chances for a pension ore an accident benefit. Members of the university management usually are civil servants for a limited time. Their position is one of higher management. When a member of the university management gives up his position, he often loses his pension, depending on whether he returns to the former civil service position or not. Further, the member also keeps the pension if he had worked as a member of the university management in a leading position for five years or if he became permanently disabled within his years of service. A member of university management who are only civil servants for a limited time can also have a legal right to accident compensation. His relatives have the same legal right. He can claim damages for goods, medical treatment, accident compensation and accident pension for himself or for his family. According to his pension he can also claim a part of his salary. Before an official journey or business trip members of the university management should seek written confirmation of accident insurance and compensation in case of an accident.