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Cover von: Individualismus und Authentizität im säkularen Zeitalter: Eine große Erzählung? - Charles Taylor zum 90.
Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, Martin Gessmann

Individualismus und Authentizität im säkularen Zeitalter: Eine große Erzählung? - Charles Taylor zum 90.

Rubrik: Artikel
Jahrgang 68 (2021) / Heft 4, S. 301-316 (16)
Publiziert 16.03.2022
DOI 10.1628/phr-2021-0029
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  • 10.1628/phr-2021-0029
Charles Taylor is one of the most distinguished Hegelians of the present and at the same time one of the most persistent inquirers when it comes to the record of modernity, its benefits and its losses. Over the course of his own extremely productive decades of work, he has primarily dealt with questions that remind us of the inescapability of philosophy and its history for a critical diagnosis of modernity and the present - with questions such as what an enlightened form of community and society, tradition and autonomy might look like, and what status individuality and authenticity have in this context beyond self-buffing or self-disillusionment. His guiding question was always what Hegel might still have to say to modernity and why a new look at the history of the Christian world will always be worthwhile.