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Cover von: On Repeated Games with Endogenous Matching Decision
Heiner Schumacher

On Repeated Games with Endogenous Matching Decision

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 171 (2015) / Heft 3, S. 544-564 (21)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245615X14302136524716
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/093245615X14302136524716
Aufgrund einer Systemumstellung kann es vorübergehend u.a. zu Zugriffsproblemen kommen. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung für die Umstände.
We study infinitely repeated games that are played by many groups simultaneously and where players have the option to maintain or quit relationships. For two-player stage games any individually rational payoff vector in the relative interior of V* can be sustained as equilibrium payoff if the discount factor δ is sufficiently large. Such a statement is not possible for stage games with more than two players. We translate the refinement of weak renegotiation-proofness to our framework and characterize the set of payoffs that can be sustained through strategies that are »bilaterally rational« in the sense of Ghosh and Ray (1996).