Cover von: Partible Humans and Magical Bodies in Pliny the Elder's Natural History
Stuart McKie

Partible Humans and Magical Bodies in Pliny the Elder's Natural History

Rubrik: Open Submissions
Jahrgang 10 (2024) / Heft 3, S. 407-433 (27)
Publiziert 21.02.2025
DOI 10.1628/rre-2024-0029
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
The article examines the use of human bodily substances in healing, particularly those uses that blur the lines between religion, magic and medicine. Using Pliny the Elder's Natural History as the main evidence base, the article shows that moral anxieties were a significant factor in Pliny's recommendations on the types of bodily substances used, and the ways they were employed. Pliny's conceptualisation of the body is shown to be dividual: substances retain connections to and characteristics of their source person. However, by taking a New Materialist approach, the article moves the discussion beyond symbolic meaning to discuss the importance of physical affordances.