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Cover von: The Power of Passivity
Ingolf U. Dalferth

The Power of Passivity

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 8 (2021) / Heft 1, S. 5-28 (24)
Publiziert 16.03.2022
DOI 10.1628/ptsc-2021-0003
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
  • Artikel PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • 10.1628/ptsc-2021-0003
What does it mean to be human in a technologically enhanced world? The paper identifies six key challenges that must be considered when discussing the idea of humanity today. From these challenges emerge six key concepts: embeddedness, responsibility, normative vision, plurality, finitude, and the deep passivity of human existence. In debate with transhumanism I focus particularly on the last two because the importance of our finitude and passivity has dangerously been downplayed in recent years.