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Cover von: Theodor von Pharan revisited
Heinz Ohme

Theodor von Pharan revisited

Rubrik: Aufsätze
Jahrgang 117 (2020) / Heft 4, S. 409-471 (63)
Publiziert 22.12.2020
DOI 10.1628/zthk-2020-0020
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  • 10.1628/zthk-2020-0020
Aufgrund einer Systemumstellung kann es vorübergehend u.a. zu Zugriffsproblemen kommen. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung für die Umstände.
The analysis offered here of the extant passages from the writings of Bishop Theodore of Pharan, who in both 649 and 681 was anathematized as a Monophysite and heresiarch because of his acknowledgement of a single operation (μία ἐνέργεια) in Christ, does not confirm this accusation. What it instead reveals is that, as a Chalcedonian theologian and through his attention to Christ's work as Saviour, Theodore adopted a perspective that complemented an ontological analysis of the distinction between human and divine natures. This enabled him to recognize the whole of Jesus's activity as a single work of God, a dual perspective he shared before 645 with his close contemporary Anastasios of Antioch and even Maximos Homologetes. The question arises why this idea's potential to create a common understanding between Chalcedon's followers in the monenergism /Monothelitism dispute was not used. The concluding section presents the reasons that led to Theodore's condemnation.