Matthias Janson

Zwei Annährungen an Hans Jonas als Mensch, Philosoph und Freund

Rubrik: Artikel
Jahrgang 69 (2022) / Heft 1, S. 57-65 (9)
Publiziert 03.05.2022
DOI 10.1628/phr-2022-0012
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11,70 €
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  • 10.1628/phr-2022-0012
In view of the challenges caused by the environmental crisis and new technologies, the philosophy of Hans Jonas is increasingly coming into the focus of research. In this collective review, two very different current publications are considered in more detail. First, the Hans Jonas-Handbuch, which, with contributions from numerous researchers, provides a successful overview of the philosophy of Hans Jonas, with a special focus on his Gnosis-Studien as well as the reflections on the philosophy of nature and technology as presented in Das Prinzip Verantwortung and Organismus und Freiheit. Second, the Briefwechsel 1928-1976 with Jonas' teacher and friend Rudolf Bultmann, allowing a moving insight into the relationship and living conditions of two impressive personalities, which furthermore contains philosophically and theologically fascinating dialogues, especially about Jonas' Immortality and the Modern Temper.
Bongardt, Michael/Burckhart, Holger/Gordon, John-Stewart/ Nielsen-Sikora, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Hans Jonas-Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Berlin 2021. J. B. Metzler. 355 S. - Bultmann, Rudolf/Jonas, Hans: Briefwechsel 1928-1976. Mit einem Anhang anderer Zeugnisse. Andreas Großmann (Hrsg.). Tübingen 2020. Mohr Siebeck 161 S.