Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert das V. internationale Symposium des Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum, das 2015 in Nottingham (UK) stattfand.
In der Bibel erscheint Gott sichtbar und hörbar einzelnen Menschen. Der vorliegende Tagungsband beschäftigt sich mit der sprachlichen Darstellung solcher 'theophanen' Erfahrungen. Ausgangspunkt ist dabei die Septuaginta als wichtigstes Zeugnis des griechischsprachigen Judentums. Wie werden in ihr die Erscheinungen Gottes in der Welt dargestellt und welchen Einfluss hat dies auf die neutestamentlichen Schriften? Der Band dokumentiert das V. internationale Symposium des Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum, das 2015 in Nottingham (UK) stattfand.
Roland Deines/Mark Wreford: Epiphanies of the Divine in the Septuagint and the New Testament: Mutual Perspectives
I. The Septuagint Within Early Christianity
Alison Salvesen: Jewish Greek Scriptures (»Septuagint«) in the First and Second Centuries: What did Early Christian Authors have in Their Hands when They »Searched the Scriptures«? -
Jörg Frey: The Contribution of the Septuagint to New Testament Theology
II. Epiphanies of the Divine in the Septuagint
Eberhard Bons: The Evolution of the Vocabulary of Epiphanic Revelation from the Septuagint to the New Testament and Early Christian Literature -
Jan Dochhorn: Ο ΔΙΑΒΟΛΟΣ: On the Satanology of the Septuagint Translators -
Joachim Schaper: God's Presence Amongst the Israelites According to LXX Exodus and LXX Deuteronomy -
Brian Howell: The Divine Voice as Metaphor and Action in Deuteronomy 4-5 -
Susan Docherty: Seeing the Face of God in Prayer: Divine Presence in the Temple and Cult in Septuagint Psalms -
Stefan Krauter: Heavenly Support in 2 Maccabees 15
III. New Testament Perspectives on Divine Epiphanies
Martin Meiser: Experiencing God's Speaking in the Gospel of Mark -
Roland Deines: Heavenly Support: The Function of Theiophanic Elements in the Gospel of Matthew -
Andy Angel: The
Parousia of the Son of Man as Divine Warrior in Matt 24:27-31 and Mark 13:24-27 -
Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer: Divine Manifestations in the Gospel of John -
Richard H. Bell: The Resurrection Appearances in 1 Corinthians 15 -
Jens Herzer: The Epiphany of God and the Coming of the Messiah: Reading the Septuagint with the Pastoral Epistles -
Volker Gäckle: The New Temple and New Priesthood in the New Testament: The Divine Presence in the Community of Believers -
Steve Moyise: John's Inaugural Vision: Scriptural Composition or Genuine Vision?
IV. Biblical Epiphanies in Conversation: Greek Tragedy and Latin Reception
Edmund Stewart: Divine Epiphanies in Greek Tragedy, the Septuagint and the New Testament: A Shared Vision of the Divine? -
Thomas O'Loughlin: The Reception of three Epiphanies from the Book of Genesis in Latin Translation