Die Rechtswissenschaften öffnen sich zunehmend interdisziplinären Forschungsansätzen. Doch was meinen Rechtswissenschaftlerinnen und Rechtswissenschaftler, wenn sie von Interdisziplinarität sprechen? Dieser Frage nähert sich der vorliegende Band durch einen sogenannten Bottom-up Ansatz.
Die Rechtswissenschaften öffnen sich zunehmend interdisziplinären Forschungsansätzen. Doch was meinen Rechtswissenschaftlerinnen und Rechtswissenschaftler, wenn sie von Interdisziplinarität sprechen? Dieser Frage nähert sich der vorliegende Band durch einen sogenannten Bottom-up Ansatz.
Reiner Schmidt: Foreword
Part 1 IntroductionPhillip Hellwege/Marta Soniewicka: Law and Interdisciplinarity -
Jerzy Stelmach: Interdisciplinarity and the Dimensions of Legal Discourse -
Matthias Rossi: Legislation as an Interdisciplinary Challenge
Part 2 Law and TheologyFranciszek Longchamps de Bérier: The Use of Law and Legal Studies for the Methodological Renewal of Dogmatic Theology -
Thomas Marschler: Legal and Theological Dogmatics
Part 3 Law and Extra-Legal Value SystemsThilo Rensmann: Inalienable Human Rights -
Monika Florczak-Wątor: Human Dignity, Inalienable Human Rights, and Interdisciplinarity
Part 4: Law and PoliticsAqilah Sandhu: The Judicial Dialogue in the EU between Law and Politics -
Monika Kawczyńska: The Relation between »the Courts of the Last Word«: Judicial Dialogue or Diverging Monologues?
Part 5 Law and EconomicsPeter Kasiske: Criminal Law and Behavioral Law and Economics -
Michał Derek: The Limits of the Application of Behavioral Economics to Criminal Law -
Wolfgang Wurmnest: The Interplay of Law and Economics in Competition Law -
Tomasz Długosz: The Interplay of Law and Economics from the Perspective of Polish Competition Law -
Grzegorz Blicharz: Law and the Study of the Commons: The In Personam and In Rem Rights Paradigms -
Constantin Willems: Reflections on D. from a (Roman) Law and Economics Perspective
Part 6 Law and PsychologyMarta Soniewicka/Julia Wesołowska: The Role of Emotions in Law: The Impact of Empathy on the Interpretation of Non-Pecuniary Harm -
Phillip Hellwege: Emotions in German Law -
Wojciech Załuski: The Personalist Objection against the Volitional Component of the Insanity Defense -
Johannes Kaspar: Free Will for (almost) Everyone? Problems of a Restrictive Normative Approach to the Insanity Defense -
Łukasz Kurek: Rationalization in Legal Theory -
Svenja Behrendt: Being (Un-)Reasonable: Rationalization and Rationality in Law and Legal Theory
Part 7 Law and AestheticsEwa Laskowska-Litak: Aesthetic but Artefactual? ‒ In Search of the Lost Object of Protection in Copyright Law -
Daria Kim: A Context-Based Assessment of Copyrightability: In Search of the Justification
Part 8 Law and MathematicsWojciech Dajczak Law and Mathematics: Old Problems in the Digital Era -
Herbert Zech Law and Mathematics: A Comment