Ole Jakob Filtvedt untersucht die Begegnungen Jesu mit einigen Schlüsselfiguren des Johannesevangeliums und fragt, ob es einen Zusammenhang gibt zwischen ihrer Erkenntnis Jesu und ihrer Selbsterkenntnis.
Ole Jakob Filtvedt untersucht die Begegnungen Jesu mit einigen Schlüsselfiguren des Johannesevangeliums und fragt, ob es einen Zusammenhang gibt zwischen ihrer Erkenntnis Jesu und ihrer Selbsterkenntnis.
1.1 Starting Points, Key Terms, Basic Thesis, and Questions of Research
1.2 Revelation and Self-Perception in John: Beyond Bultmann
1.3 What We Do and Do Not Mean by Self-Perception
1.4 Textual Basis and Hermeneutical Challenges
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Nicodemus and the Baptist as Parallel Figures
2.3 Approaching the Question of the Baptist's Self-Perception
2.4 Unworthy and Inferior
2.5 Knowing that He Once Did not Know: 1:31-33
2.6 Associating Himself with the Earth (3:31)
2.7 Two Key Issues in Jesus' Encounter with Nicodemus
2.8 The Limits of the Flesh and the Necessity of Birth from Above (3:6-7)
2.9 The Man who Thought he Knew Jesus: Exposing the Ignorance of Israel's Teacher
2.10 Conclusions
3.1 The Thesis of the Present Chapter
3.2 Blindness, Sight and Self-Perception in 9:39-41
3.3 Revelatino and Conflict: Jesus' Dialogue with his Brothers (7:3-9)
3.4 The Offense of Freedom: John 8:31-36
3.5 Identifying and Confronting the Slaves to Sin
3.6 Ironic Denial that One Needs Help: An Ancient Trope Expressed in Epictetus
3.7 Conclusions
Excursus: The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11)
4. Peter: Imitation and Limitation
4.1 The Thesis of the Present Chapter
4.2 The Misunderstanding: Role Confusion
4.3 The Problem: Imitation and Limitation
4.4 Towards a Solution: Imitation and Dependence (21:18-19)
4.5 Conclusions: Peter, Revelation and Self-Perception
5.1 Recognizing Truth that Runs Contrary to Appearance
5.2 Pilate Facing the True Kind - and Himself
5.3 Revelation and Self-Perception: Jesus and Pilate
6.1 Our Key Findings and Primary Contribution to Scholarship
6.2 Shedding New Light on Well-Known Passages