Volker Rabens
Born 1971; theological studies and research in London and Tübingen; 2008 PhD at London School of Theology (Brunel University, London, UK); 2006-09 lecturer in New Testament and Hermeneutics at Theological Seminary Adelshofen (Heidelberg); 2009-13 postdoctoral researcher of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe" at Ruhr University Bochum; since 2013 research and teaching in New Testament Studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Folgende Rezensionen sind bekannt:
In: Arbeitskreis für evangelikale Theologie—25 (2011), S. 266-268
(Boris Paschke)
In: Asprenas - Rivista di sc.teologiche—58 (2011), S. 419-421
(Antonio Landi)
In: Biblische Notizen—152 (2012), S. 141-142
(Stefan Schreiber)
In: Biblische Zeitschrift—56 (2012), S. 303-307
(Hildegard Scherer)
In: Journal for the Study of Judaism—44 (2013), S. 117-118
(Archie T. Wright)
In: Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT)—33.5 (2011), S. 84
(Gary W. Burnett)
In: Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research—4 (2012), S. 109-122
(Mark Saucy)
In: Journal of Theological Studies—66 (2015), S. 785-787
(Frances Young)
In: LST InSight—Spring 2011, S. 17
(Carsten Lotz)
In: —55 (2011), S. 179
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: Religious Studies Review—38 (2012), S. 20-21
(Matthew P. O'Reilly)
In: Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok—77 (2012), S. 353-356
(Samuel Svensson)
In: The Expository Times—123 (2011), S. 138
(Jane Heath)
In: Themelios—35 (2010), S. 452-455
(Peter Orr)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—139 (2014), S. 1095-1107
(Ruben Zimmermann)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—137 (2012), S. 680-682
(Folker Blischke)
In: Theologische Revue—108 (2012), S. 118-119
(Gitte Buch-Hansen)