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Cover of: A Knight without a Sword? The Effects of Audit Courts on Tax Morale
Benno Torgler

A Knight without a Sword? The Effects of Audit Courts on Tax Morale

Section: Articles
Volume 161 (2005) / Issue 4, pp. 735-760 (26)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245605775075988
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  • 10.1628/093245605775075988
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The intention of this paper is to analyse how audit courts affect tax morale, controlling in a multivariate analysis for a broad variety of potential factors. Switzerland, with its variety of audit-court competence among the cantons, has been analysed. With data from the ISSP [1998] (Swiss data 1999), evidence has been found that higher audit-court competence has a significantly positive effect on tax morale. Thus, the results in Switzerland suggest that in the cantons where audit courts are not just knights without swords; they help improve taxpayers' tax morale and thus citizens' intrinsic motivation to pay taxes.