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Cover of: An Land gehen
Oliver Precht

An Land gehen

Section: Articles
Volume 68 (2021) / Issue 1, pp. 3-13 (11)
Published 16.06.2021
DOI 10.1628/phr-2021-0003
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/phr-2021-0003
A year after his death, several publications on and by Michel Serres provide occasion to look back on the pathways of his intellectual development. While the anthology Das vielfältige Denken offers a valuable survey of the different stages and apects of his philosophical itinerary, the last publications of Serres himself, most notably Relire le relié, open up a new perspective on its destination. His radical interpretation of (Christian) religion seems to offer a means of releasing the tension between two driving forces of his endavour: his unwavering optimism, as expressed in Petite poucette and C'était mieux avant!, and his lifelong rejection of any form of blind faith in (technological) progress.

Michel Serres: Was genau war früher besser? Ein optimistischer Wutanfall. Aus dem Französischen von Stefan Lorenzer. Edition Suhrkamp, Berlin 2019: Suhrkamp.76 S. (= FB). – Michel Serres: Relire le relié. Paris 2019: Le Pommier. 288 S. (= RR). – Reinhold Clausjürgens/Kurt Röttgers (Hrsg.): Michel Serres. Das vielfältige Denken. Oder: Das Vielfältige denken. (Zeitgenössische Perspektiven europäischer Philosophie 1). München 2020: Wilhelm Fink. 240 S. (= VD).