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Cover of: Can »Open Science« be Protected from the Evolving Regime of IPR Protections?
Paul A. David

Can »Open Science« be Protected from the Evolving Regime of IPR Protections?

Section: Articles
Volume 160 (2004) / Issue 1, pp. 9-34 (26)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245604773861069
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/093245604773861069
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Increasing access charges and transactions costs arising from monopoly rights in data and information adversely affect the conduct of science, especially exploratory research programs. The latter are critical for the sustained growth of knowledge-driven economies, and are most efficiently pursued in the »open science« mode. In some fields, informal cooperative norms for timely sharing of access to raw data-steams and documented database resources are being undermined by legal institutional innovations that accommodate the further privatizing of the public domain in information. A variety of corrective measures are needed to restore proper balance to the IPR regime.