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Cover of: Chronos und Kairos. Zum soteriologischen Verhältnis von Zeit und Ewigkeit in den Pastoralbriefen
Wilfried Eisele

Chronos und Kairos. Zum soteriologischen Verhältnis von Zeit und Ewigkeit in den Pastoralbriefen

Section: Articles
Volume 3 (2012) / Issue 4, pp. 468-491 (24)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/186870312804970943
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  • 10.1628/186870312804970943
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In the third Christian generation, the Pastoral Epistles develop a specific concept of time, which allows to distinguish different periods in the history of salvation and, at the same time, connects them to the eternity of God: What has been based »before times eternal«, has now been revealed by God »in his own seasons« of history. Thereby, eternity is not to be understood as timelessness, but as immemorial time.