Cover of: Das Modell Lüneburg – ein neuer Gesamthochschulentwurf?
Volker Epping

Das Modell Lüneburg – ein neuer Gesamthochschulentwurf?

Section: Treatises
Volume 42 (2009) / Issue 3, pp. 232-255 (24)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/094802109789876697
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  • 10.1628/094802109789876697
oung scientists a doctorate as an example for all of the difficulties accompanying the structuring and building of this new type of model you repeatedly find all of the problems being long time believed overcome by abolishing amalgamated universities in Germany. In fact you find in Lüneburg in a renaissance of amalgamated universities: You have old wine in new skins. The Leuphana truly is a model. But we will see if it is a good one.