Cover of: Die Akten des Titus: Rezeption »apostolischer« Schriften und Entwicklung antik-christlicher »Erinnerungslandschaften«
Tobias Nicklas

Die Akten des Titus: Rezeption »apostolischer« Schriften und Entwicklung antik-christlicher »Erinnerungslandschaften«

Section: Articles
Volume 8 (2017) / Issue 4, pp. 458-480 (23)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/186870317X15100584934612
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/186870317X15100584934612
Although the Acts of Titus never reached (or even claimed) canonical status, it would be wrong to describe them as »apocryphal« in the sense of »hidden« or »secret.« Instead, this text is important for the formation of the church of Crete's identity as an apostolic foundation. It both creates the story of its foundation by the »apostle« Titus and binds the memories of this past to both rituals and material culture. In this way it transforms parts of Crete into a »landscape of memories.«