Otfried Hofius
Die Auferweckung des Lazarus. Joh 11,1–44 als Zeugnis narrativer Christologie Die Auferweckung des Lazarus. Joh 11,1–44 als Zeugnis narrativer Christologie
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- 10.1628/004435405774520235
In the detailed and carefully formulated text of John 11:1–44 there are two levels which are closely connected and which refer to one another continuously: the narrative level of the miracle story and the theological level, which expresses the true meaning of the reported event. Accordingly, the text has two points of major significance between which there exist not only clear parallels but a deep inner connection as well. The narrative high point is in the verses 38b – 44, and the theological high point in the verses 23–27. The exegetical analysis of these passages as well as that of the text as a whole shows the extent to which the story of the raising of Lazarus is a central document of Johannine Christology and of the soteriology which is based on it.