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Cover of: Die Deutung der Ostererfahrung in den Abschiedsreden des Johannesevangeliums
Jean Zumstein

Die Deutung der Ostererfahrung in den Abschiedsreden des Johannesevangeliums

Section: Articles
Volume 104 (2007) / Issue 2, pp. 117-141 (25)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435407781053829
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  • 10.1628/004435407781053829
In John, Easter is interpreted not only in chapter 20, but also in the two preceding farewell discourses. Whereas John 14:18–26 describes the »theological« relevance of the Easter experience for all believers without any differentiation, John 16:16–22 emphasizes its soteriological significance for Christian existence, an existence fraught with tension.