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Cover of: Die Entstehung von Bultmanns Jesus-Buch
Konrad Hammann

Die Entstehung von Bultmanns Jesus-Buch

Section: Articles
Volume 107 (2010) / Issue 2, pp. 191-214 (24)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435410791284350
  • article PDF
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  • 10.1628/004435410791284350
In his old age, Bultmann remembered having written his Jesus book before he got to know Martin Heidegger. Nevertheless, this article shows that Bultmann wrote this book in the spring of 1925, when he had been communicating with Heidegger for a long time. There is also evidence of the discussion between the theologian and the philosopher in Bultmann's Jesus book. However, Bultmann had already developed the main features of his existential interpretation independently before his dialogue with Heidegger.