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Cover of: Die national bestimmten Beiträge (NDCs) des Pariser Abkommens als Instrument multilateraler Kooperation
Cornelia Manger-Nestler, Ulrike Will

Die national bestimmten Beiträge (NDCs) des Pariser Abkommens als Instrument multilateraler Kooperation

Section: Treatises
Volume 60 (2022) / Issue 4, pp. 465-498 (34)
Published 29.03.2023
DOI 10.1628/avr-2022-0024
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/avr-2022-0024
The Paris Agreement led to a paradigm shift in international climate law, away from predefined mitigation targets to nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The NDCs range between law and politics. They reveal to what extent the Paris Agreement is implemented and complied with and can narrow its provisions by making climate targets, measures, and individual progress visible. However, they also disclose the extensive discretion of and disagreement between the Parties. All Parties to the Agreement have now submitted, at least, one NDC which needs to be updated every five years. However, even if the NDCs are fully implemented, they are expected to be insufficient to remain within the 2°C target. The contribution analyses to what extent the NDCs still possess an added value for climate protection by discussing the central provisions (highest possible ambition, progression requirement, provisions on transparency, and compliance) of the Paris Agreement and the rulebook. Beyond that, the NDCs are considered as sources of international law, relevant factors for the legal interpretation, and future development of the Agreement.