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Cover of: Divine Authorship and Variations of Pseudepigraphy in the Second Discourse of Great Seth and the Wisdom of Jesus Christ
Kimberley A. Fowler

Divine Authorship and Variations of Pseudepigraphy in the Second Discourse of Great Seth and the Wisdom of Jesus Christ

Section: Articles
Volume 14 (2023) / Issue 4, pp. 446-461 (16)
Published 04.01.2024
DOI 10.1628/ec-2023-0030
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/ec-2023-0030
ty bearing marks of the expansive category termed here Seth-related literature. These works demonstrate the diverse ways in which Seth-related texts used pseudonymity and attribution. These strategies were central to communicating the secretive nature of these texts and/or the elevated spiritual knowledge of their readerships. In these two documents, names (or a lack thereof ), terminology, and genre claims are used to create interplay between their main content and the titles they carry in the manuscripts, with the ultimate aim of emphasizing their audiences' exclusive proximity to and understanding of the divine.