Cover of: Effekte der Bologna-Reform auf die Hochschultypen
Sabine Behrenbeck

Effekte der Bologna-Reform auf die Hochschultypen

Section: Treatises
Volume 44 (2011) / Issue 2, pp. 156-179 (24)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/094802111797374250
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  • 10.1628/094802111797374250
The article gives an overview of the course of the Bologna process aiming for an integrative European Higher Education Area, and analyses the intermediate goals and instruments to reach this final aim, particularly in Germany. It does not take stock of the process as such but makes clear how the Bologna process influences the ongoing process of diversification of Higher Education Institutions in Germany. In a second step it discusses the effects of the Bologna process and of parallel trends in Higher Education (like widening participation, permeability, and differentiation of universities) on the institutions, in particular on the classical universities and the younger universities for applied science (Fachhochschulen). It closes with suggestions how different agents and stake holders could derive advantage from this given situation.