Cover of: Eingeschränkte Anwendung des lex fori-Prinzips bei internationalen Verkehrsunfällen
Martin Lutschounig

Eingeschränkte Anwendung des lex fori-Prinzips bei internationalen Verkehrsunfällen

Section: Aufsätze
Volume 88 (2024) / Issue 4, pp. 760-786 (27)
Published 11.11.2024
DOI 10.1628/rabelsz-2024-0061
Published in German.
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/rabelsz-2024-0061
Limited Application of the lex fori Principle for Cross-border Traffic Accidents. According to the principle of forum regit processum, a court deciding a dispute applies its own national procedural law even in cases which are substantively governed by foreign law. It is therefore crucial how the individual legal question is categorized, namely whether it is classified as substantive or procedural. According to the prevailing opinion, this decision is made applying the lex fori. The situation is different, however, under the Rome II Regulation, as also the scope of the applicable law (lex causae) is subject to an autonomous interpretation. The article argues that the question of whether a foreign rule is to be classified as procedural or substantive is, therefore, not a question of national but of autonomous European law. A classification according to the lex fori would, by contrast, bear the danger of leading to different scopes of application of the lex causae depending on the place of jurisdiction. These problems are illustrated with reference to traffic accident cases in which a litigant seeks recovery of a supplementary claim, such as the pretrial costs of an expert opinion, an out-of-court settlement, or lump-sum costs.