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Cover of: Funded Pensions, Labor Market Participation, and Economic Growth
Eric O'N. Fisher, Mark A. Roberts

Funded Pensions, Labor Market Participation, and Economic Growth

Section: Articles
Volume 59 (2003) / Issue 3, pp. 371-386 (16)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/0015221032973636
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  • 10.1628/0015221032973636
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This paper analyses a model of overlapping generations in which agents who are not in the labor market are unable to borrow. An increase in a fully funded pension raises aggregate savings since private savings are not crowded out one-for-one. Labor force participation is determined endogenously, and a rise in the level of fully funded pensions increases aggregate employment. This increase in employment augments growth, directly by raising per capita savings and indirectly by affecting tax and interest rates.