Cover of: Gemeindeleitung und Kirchenleitung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments Gemeindeleitung und Kirchenleitung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments
Otfried Hofius

Gemeindeleitung und Kirchenleitung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments Gemeindeleitung und Kirchenleitung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments

Section: Articles
Volume 103 (2006) / Issue 2, pp. 184-205 (22)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435406777632138
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/004435406777632138
According to the New Testament, it is Jesus Christ himself who is the sole head of the church as a whole and of the individual parishes as well. He carries out this task with the help of human beings to whom he entrusts the ministry of leadership. In accordance with its essential qualities, this ministry is verbi divini minsterium, a ministry of the gospel through which the Kyrios rules, protects and preserves the church and the parishes.