Cover of: Hochschulfinanzverwaltung und Hochschulmedizin
Dirk Böhmann

Hochschulfinanzverwaltung und Hochschulmedizin

Section: Treatises
Volume 48 (2015) / Issue 2, pp. 158-174 (17)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/094802115X14485401753062
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  • 10.1628/094802115X14485401753062
University medicine is, in regard to the medical faculty, on the one hand, an integral part of the university and therefore also of the university financial management. On the other hand, regarding its specifics in both the factual and normative sense, it must be considered an aliud. With reference to health care, university medicine occupies a special position in the hospital market due to its size and capability. The special functional position of university medicine, also and especially in the context of financing, lies in the three tasks. Faculty and clinic are, on the one hand, institutions of research and teaching and, on the other hand, they are included in governmental hospital planning as hospitals providing the highest level of care. The interlinking with the health care system is the characteristic element of university medicine. In the last few years, university medicine has been subjected to a substantial reform of its financial constitution and organizational structure. This article is in favour of the cooperation model as a useful model for the organization of university medicine. This is because within this model, the structural autonomy of the medical faculties and therefore also of medical research and teaching is protected against economical influence to a higher degree than in other forms of organization. Furthermore, the structural deficits within financing of university medicine are described. As a result, the article declares itself in favour of a task orientated and performance related financing of German university medicine.