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Cover of: Imagined Journeys: Travel Narratives in Judah Alharizi'sTahkemoni and Zachariah Aldahiri's Sefer Hamusar
Ophir Münz-Manor

Imagined Journeys: Travel Narratives in Judah Alharizi'sTahkemoni and Zachariah Aldahiri's Sefer Hamusar

Section: Articles
Volume 26 (2019) / Issue 1, pp. 43-58 (16)
Published 15.03.2019
DOI 10.1628/jsq-2019-0005
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  • 10.1628/jsq-2019-0005
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le explores the dynamics between the real and the imaginative in the texts, and elaborates on the similarities and differences between them. Several conclusions concerning the literary and historical characteristics of both texts are singled out, and finally the article makes a distinction between Al hari zi's linear-transformative travel narrative and Aldahiri's circular-confirmatory one.