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Cover of: Implizite Qualifikationsvorgaben im europäischen Kollisionsrecht
Felix Berner

Implizite Qualifikationsvorgaben im europäischen Kollisionsrecht

Section: Aufsätze
Volume 87 (2023) / Issue 2, pp. 236-263 (28)
Published 03.04.2023
DOI 10.1628/rabelsz-2023-0028
Published in German.
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/rabelsz-2023-0028
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Implicit Characterization in European Conflict of Laws.– Most German scholars assume that problems of characterization in European choice of law are to be resolved by means of functional characterization. This essay challenges that assumption. Quite often, European choice-of-law rules themselves require a certain treatment of a characterization problem. This can follow from the rules or recitals of European regulations. In such cases, the required approach is more or less explicitly given. However, the required analysis can also be implicitly established, especially when it is derived from the purpose of certain choice-of-law rules. The approach towards characterization is of both practical and theoretical significance. In practice it determines the outcome of a characterization inquiry. On a theoretical level, the approach towards characterization embodies a conceptual change: The more rules on characterization there are, the more the classic problem of characterization is marginalized. Questions of characterization turn into questions of “simple statutory interpretation”.