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Cover of: Leben in der Hoffnung in Zeiten einer Pandemie und anderer Katastrophen
Hans-Peter Großhans

Leben in der Hoffnung in Zeiten einer Pandemie und anderer Katastrophen

Section: Diskussionsbeiträge
Volume 86 (2021) / Issue 3, pp. 382-399 (18)
Published 25.01.2022
DOI 10.1628/thr-2021-0022
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/thr-2021-0022
In times of crisis, as is well known, the debate about an appropriate interpretation of events flares up. In dealing with classic and current concepts on the question of theodicy as well as human responsibility, interpretations of the current pandemic are discussed. Overly one-sided claims of a total world domination and responsibility of man are critically questioned from the Christian point of view based on the theology of the cross and the triad of faith, hope, love which is aware of the contingency of life. Also, or maybe especially in times of a pandemic and other catastrophes, a life in hope is not only possible but an appropriate expression of Christian faith. Not to explain the evil, but to actively and creatively shape the world according to God's rule for the better.