Cover of: Luthers Ehekonzept
Georg Raatz

Luthers Ehekonzept

[Luthers Ehekonzept Eine geschichtshermeneutische Rekonstruktion im Kontext der Debatte um die Orientierungshilfe des Rates der EKD zur Familie (2013)]
Section: Articles
Volume 112 (2015) / Issue 1, pp. 100-140 (41)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435415X14189077085301
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/004435415X14189077085301
The theological debate on the German Evangelical Church's Council to Aid Orientation in the Family [Orientierungshilfe zur Familie des Rates der EKD, 2013] has focused on its concept of marriage on the one hand and on its recourse to Luther's dictum of matrimony as a 'secular thing' on the other. Theological and ethical recourses to Luther and the theology of reformation have to be based on a concept of historical hermeneutics. The article exemplifies an application of such a concept to the theological idea of matrimony.