Cover of: Menschenrechte als kirchentrennender Faktor? Die Debatte um das russisch-orthodoxe Positionspapier von 2008
Stefan Tobler

Menschenrechte als kirchentrennender Faktor? Die Debatte um das russisch-orthodoxe Positionspapier von 2008

Section: Articles
Volume 107 (2010) / Issue 3, pp. 325-347 (23)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435410792826825
  • article PDF
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  • 10.1628/004435410792826825
The Russian Orthodox document on human rights, adopted in 2008, develops a concept of human dignity which enables the connection between human rights and Christian morals. However, this position leads to internal contradictions. Within the concept of human dignity, a distinction between its causal function and its double empirical dimension as respect for the dignity of the other (human rights) and as life in accordance with one's own dignity (morals) has to be made.